
Monday, June 30, 2014

Two for Tuesday: Spreading Positivity

Happy July! Wow.. June flew by! I am linking up with The Teaching Tribune again for Two for Tuesday which means I am setting 2 of my favorite products half off! I created these products last week and I could not be more excited about them. Both products are all about spreading positivity- my favorite theme to talk about .. ever! No matter what the age, students should feel important and loved in the classroom. You have the capability to change their lives! 
So, for the next 24 hours...maybe I'll let it go on for a little longer :)... the products will only be $1.50!

(Click on the titles to view the products)

This product includes 20 posters and 6 writing prompts. For next year, I plan on laminating the posters and displaying them on the walls after I introduce each quote. I wanted to include writing prompts because I have seen so many students improve after simple "meditating" exercises. The relaxation techniques might sound crazy at first, but at ANY age, the kids love feeling connecting to themselves. If the writing prompts wouldn't work well for your students, have a journal/scrapbook that they keep to write and draw anything that they are feeling. It's incredible to discover what your students are really thinking about (also adorable in the younger years!) 

This product includes 29 pages of writing exercises! It is so important for children to dream about their futures, but realize that it takes hard work to get there- whether they are thinking about the end of the school year or what they want to be when they grow up. This mini unit is designed to be used when teaching about accomplishments, setting goals and thinking about the future. After many writing activities discussing their strengths and goals, students can write a letter to the FUTURE me. Students love this! You will learn so much about your bright students through these exercises. 

Continue relaxing during summer vacation and HAPPY SHOPPING!

Visit the rest of my store by clicking the picture below: 

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