
Sunday, June 29, 2014

Meet Me Monday

I am starting the week off with a link-up with The Teaching Tribune for Monday Meet Up! I just love their summer bloggin' link-ups.. What a great way to get to know more bloggers!

Today, we are sharing three things that we are thankful for. I tried to think of some simple things that were making me happy and some things on a deeper level. I narrowed it down to: 1. My New House 2. My Support Systems and 3. My New Television Shows.

I have so much to be thankful for right now, so this was a challenge! Thank you, The Teaching Tribune for this simple reflection of my happiness

Tomorrow is..... "Two for Tuesday" where 2 of my favorite products will be 50% off the entire day!  

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  1. Congrats on your new house!!! :) That's so exciting!!! I love How I Met your Mother! That's such a great show.
    Mixing it up in Middle

  2. How I Met Your Mother and Orange is the New Black are two of my favorite shows as well. My husband and I binge watched the 2nd season of Orange in one weekend. Enjoy your new house!
    The Traveling Teacher

  3. I love finding new bloggers! Congrats on the new house :)
    I'm your newest follower :)

  4. Congrats on your new house! I'm currently searching for my dream home and I can't wait until I find it!
